$15 Adv/$19 Door
Project:Dragology Season 2 Finale!
Put your hands together for your Top 3 of Season 2: Holly Daze (@hollydazequeen), Papi K (@laughnlatina), and Miss.Information (@the.miss.information)! From March to August, these competitors have excelled in a variety of challenges and finally made it to the final round of Project:Dragology.
On August 11th, our Top 3 will battle it out in a multi-part show, consisting of runways, lipsyncs, and question/answer. For this runway, category is 'Every Season' and for their performances, our finalists will create numbers that show everyone why they are a SUPERSTAR!
Hosted by Portland's own Gem Fatale (@thegemofdrag), winner of Portland Drag Gauntlet. This round will also feature a judges panel composed of our Season 1 winner: Heidi Tuckins (@heidituckins), as well a fierce lineup from the greater New England area. We are also honored to feature our amazing guest performers: the amazing Saison LeFaye (@saison_lefaye) of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and the fantastic Bozo (@itsjustbozo) of Boston, Massachusetts!
Get tickets now! Doors open at 6pm and the show starts at 7pm. This show is 18+ and may contain adult subject matter/themes. You can also follow Dragology for all future events on Instagram @dragology.maine