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Maine Jewish Film Festival, Jewish Community Alliance, Maine Jewish Museum and The Hill Arts Presents: THE BOY, Israeli Short by Yahav Winner, R.I.P

This event is FREE and Open to the public. All proceeds benefit Yahav Winner’s widow.

The Boy, Israeli Short by:

Yahav Winner, R.I.P

Israel | Short Fiction | 2023 | 25 min

Director and producer: Yahav Winner

FREE and Open to the Public. All proceeds will benefit Yahav Winner's widow. 

WINNER, Best Cinematography, Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival 2023
International Competition, Filmschoolfest Munich 2023

Avinoam and Barak, father and son from a Kibbutz bordering the Gaza strip, are forced to deal with another round of rockets and combat, each in their own way. One night, Barak reaches a boiling point and Avinoam is forced to absorb the heat.

November 5

Good Theater Presents: Broadway, The Twin Piano Edition

November 6

Maine Jewish Film Festival Presents: March '68